Tauber, E. 2024. Uncovering the circadian transcriptome of Nasonia vitripennis: insights into a non-canonical insect model. Proc. R. Soc. B. 29120241848 Link
Creasey, L.D., Tauber, E. 2024. Interconnected Codons: Unravelling the Epigenetic Significance of Flanking Sequences in CpG Dyads. J Mol Evol. Link
Levy K, Barnea A, Tauber E, Ayali A. 2024. Crickets in the spotlight: exploring the impact of light on circadian behavior. J Comp Physiol A . Link
Fishman, B., Tauber, E. 2023. Epigenetics and seasonal timing in animals: a concise review. J Comp Physiol A . Link
Khatib L, Subasi BS, Fishman B, Kapun M, Tauber E. 2023. Unveiling Subtle Geographical Clines: Phenotypic Effects and Dynamics of Circadian Clock Gene Polymorphisms. Biology. 12(6):858. Link
Levy K, Fishman B, Barnea A, Ayali A, Tauber E. 2022. Transcriptional Response of Circadian Clock Genes to an ‘Artificial Light at Night’ Pulse in the Cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23(19):11358. Link
Pegoraro M, Fishman B, Zonato V, Zouganelis G, Francis A, Kyriacou CP, Tauber E. 2022. Photoperiod-Dependent Expression of MicroRNA in Drosophila. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23(9):4935. Link
Deppisch P, Prutscher JM, Pegoraro M, Tauber E, Wegener C, Helfrich-Förster C. 2022. Adaptation of Drosophila melanogaster to Long Photoperiods of High-Latitude Summers Is Facilitated by the ls-Timeless Allele. J Biol Rhythms. Link
Pegoraro M, Sayegh Rezek E, Fishman B, Tauber E. 2022. Nucleotide variation in Drosophila cryptochrome is linked to circadian clock function: an association analysis. Frontiers in Physiology, 13. Link
Carasso S, Fishman B, Lask LS, Shochat T, Geva-Zatorsky N, Tauber E. 2021. Metagenomic analysis reveals the signature of gut microbiota associated with human chronotypes. FASEB J. 35(11):e22011. Link
Kapun M, Nunez JCB, Bogaerts-Márquez M, Murga-Moreno J, Paris M, Outten J (and 66 others, including Tauber, E.) 2021. Drosophila Evolution over Space and Time (DEST): A New Population Genomics Resource. Molecular Biology & Evolution. 38(12), 5782–5805 Link
Pegoraro, N., Flavell, L.M.M., Menegazzi, P., Colombi, P., Dao, P., Helfrich-Förster, C., Tauber, E. 2020. The genetic basis of diurnal preference in Drosophila melanogaster. BMC Genomics. 21, 596. Link
Kapun, M, Barrón, M. G., Staubach F, Vieira J, Obbard DJ (and 42 others, including Tauber E.) . 2020. Genomic analysis of European Drosophila melanogaster populations reveals longitudinal structure, continent-wide selection, and previously unknown DNA viruses. Molecular Biology & Evolution. 37(9):2661–2678, Link
Cook, N., Parker, D.J., Tauber, E., Pannebakker, B.A. & Shuker, D.M. 2019. Validating the demethylating effects of 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine in insects requires a whole-genome approach. American Naturalist, 194:. DOI: 10.1086/704248 Link
Cook N, Boulton RA, Green J, Trivedi U, Tauber E, Pannebakker BA, Ritchie MG, Shuker DM. 2018. Differential gene expression is not required for facultative sex allocation: a transcriptome analysis of brain tissue in the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis. R. Soc. open sci. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.171718. Link
Noreen S, Pegoraro M, Nouroz F, Tauber E, Kyriacou CP. 2018. Interspecific studies of circadian genes period and timeless in Drosophila. Gene. 648: 106–114. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2018.01.020. Link
Zonato V, Vanin S, Costa R, Tauber E, Kyriacou CP. 2017. Inverse European latitudinal cline at the timeless locus of Drosophila melanogaster reveals selection on a clock gene: population genetics of ls-tim. Journal of Biological Rhythms doi:10.1177/0748730417742309. Link
Adewoye AB, Nuzhdin SV, Tauber E. 2017. Mapping quantitative trait loci underlying circadian light sensitivity in Drosophila. Journal of Biological Rhythms. doi:10.1177/0748730417731863. Link
Pegoraro M, Zonato V, Tyler ER, Fedele G, Kyriacou CP, Tauber E. 2017. Geographical analysis of diapause inducibility in European Drosophila melanogaster populations. Journal of Insect Physiology. doi:10.1016/j.jinsphys.2017.01.015. Link
Zonato V, Collins L, Pegoraro M., Tauber E, Kyriacou CP, 2017. Is diapause an ancient adaptation in Drosophila? Journal of Insect Physiology. doi:10.1016/j.jinsphys.2017.01.017. Link
Khericha M, Kolenchery JB and Tauber E. 2016. Neural and non-neural contributions to sexual dimorphism of mid-day sleep in Drosophila melanogaster: a pilot study. Physiological Entomology 41: 327–334. doi:10.1111/phen.12134 Link
Pegoraro M, Bafna A, Davies NJ, Shuker DM, Tauber E. 2016. DNA methylation changes induced by long and short photoperiods in Nasonia. Genome Research. doi:10.1101/gr.196204.115 Link
Cook N, Trivedi U, Pannebakker BA, Blaxter M, Ritchie MG, Tauber E, Sneddon T, and Shuker DM. 2015 Oviposition but Not Sex Allocation Is Associated with Transcriptomic Changes in Females of the Parasitoid Wasp Nasonia vitripennis. G3 (Genes| Genomes| Genetics). g3.115.021220; doi:10.1534/g3.115.021220. Link.
Davies NJ, Krusche P, Tauber E, Ott S. 2015. Analysis of 5′ gene regions reveals extraordinary conservation of novel non-coding sequences in a wide range of animals. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 15(1):227. doi: 10.1186/s12862-015-0499-6. Link
Stevenson TJ, Visser ME, Arnold W, Barrett P, Biello S, Dawson A, Denlinger DL, (and 33 others, including Tauber E). 2015. Disrupted seasonal biology impacts health, food security, and ecosystems: a call for integrated research. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.1453. Link
Davies NJ & Tauber E 2015. WaspAtlas: a Nasonia vitripennis gene database and analysis platform. Database: the journal of biological databases and curation. bav103 doi:10.1093/database/bav103 Link
Adewoye, AB, Kyriacou CP & Tauber E. 2015. Identification and functional analysis of early gene expression induced by circadian light-resetting in Drosophila. BMC Genomics.16: 570. doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1787-7. Link
Cook, N., Pannebakker, B.A., Tauber, E. & Shuker, D.M. 2015. DNA methylation and sex allocation in the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis. American Naturalist, 186(4). doi: 10.1086/682950 Link
Pegoraro M, Picot E, Hansen CN, Kyriacou CP, Rosato, E & Tauber, E. 2015. Gene Expression Associated with Early and Late Chronotypes in Drosophila melanogaster. Frontiers in Neurology. 6:100. DOI:10.3389/fneur.2015.00100 Link
Pegoraro, M., Gesto, JS.,Kyriacou, CP. & Tauber, E. 2014. Role for Circadian Clock Genes in Seasonal Timing: Testing the Bünning Hypothesis. PLoS Genetics 10(9): e1004603. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004603. Link
Pegoraro, M., Noreen, S., Bhutani, S., Tsolou, A. Schmid, R., Kyriacou, C.P. & Tauber, E. 2014. Molecular evolution of a pervasive natural amino-acid substitution in Drosophila cryptochrome. PLoS ONE 9(1): e86483. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086483 Link
Zhang, L., Hastings, M.H., Green, E.W., Tauber, E., Sladek, M, Webster, S.G., Kyriacou, C.P. & Wilcockson, D.C. 2013. Dissociation of circadian and circatidal time-keeping in the marine crustacean Eurydice pulchra. Current Biology. 10.1016/j.cub.2013.07.075 Link
Tauber, E. 2012. Open season on the Bünning hypothesis and seasonal timing. What kind of insights can quantitative genetics provide us about this controversial hypothesis? Heredity. 108:469-470 Link
Pegoraro, M & Tauber, E. 2011. Animal clocks: a multitude of molecular mechanisms for circadian timekeeping. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews RNA. 2: 312-320. Link
Tauber, E., Miller-Fleming, L., Mason, R.P., Kwan, W., Clapp, J., Butler, NJ, Outeiro, TF, Muchowski PJ, & Giorgini, F. 2011. Functional gene expression profiling in yeast implicates translational dysfunction in mutant Huntingtin toxicity. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286: 410-419. Link
Kyriacou, C.P. & Tauber, E 2010. Genes and genomic searches. In M Breed, J Moore (ed), Encyclopaedia of Animal Behaviour; 2: 12 -21, Academic Press, Oxford, UK. Link
Kyriacou, C.P., Peixoto, A.A., Sandrelli, F, Costa, R, & Tauber, E. 2008. Clines in clock genes: fine-tuning circadian rhythms to the environment. Trends in Genetics 24: 124-132. Link
Pegoraro, M & Tauber, E. 2008. Role of microRNA (miRNA) in circadian rhythmicity. Journal of Genetics 87: 505-511 Link
Tauber, E. & Kyriacou, CP. 2008. Genomic approaches for studying biological clocks. Functional Ecology 22: 19–29. Link
Tauber, E, Sandrelli, F., Zordan, MA, Pegoraro, M. Cisotto, P, Osterwalder, N. Piccin, A. Daga, A., Mazzotta, G., Rosato, E., Kyriacou C.P., & Costa R. 2007. Natural selection favours a newly derived allele of the circadian clock gene timeless in European Drosophila melanogaster populations. Science 316: 1895-1898. PubMed [Selected by Faculty of 1000] Link
Sandrelli, F., Tauber, E., Zordan, MA, Pegoraro, M. Cisotto, P, Osterwalder, N. Piccin, A. Daga, A., Mazzotta, G., Rosato, E., Kyriacou C.P., & Costa R.A. 2007. A molecular basis for natural selection at the timeless locus in Drosophila melanogaster.. Science 316: 1898-1900. [Selected by Faculty of 1000] Link
Rosato, E., Tauber, E. & Kyriacou, C.P. 2006. Molecular genetics of the fruit-fly circadian clock. European Journal of Human Genetics. 14, 729–738. Link
Tauber, E & Kyriacou C.P. 2005. Molecular evolution and population genetics of circadian clock genes. Methods in Enzymology. 393:797-817. Link
Tauber, E., Last K.S., Olive, P.J. & Kyriacou C.P. 2004. Clock gene evolution and functional divergence. Journal of Biological Rhythms 19: 445-458. Link
Tauber, E. Roe, H., Costa, R., Hennessy, J.M. & Kyriacou, C.P. 2003. Temporal mating isolation driven by a single behavioural gene in Drosophila. Current Biology 13: 140-145. Link
Tauber, E. & Eberl, D.F. 2003. Acoustic communication in Drosophila. Behavioural Processes 64: 197-210. PubMed
Tauber, E. & Eberl, D.F. 2002. The effect of male competition on the courtship song of Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Insect Behavior 15: 109-120. PubMed.
Tauber, E. & Kyriacou, C.P. 2001. Insect photoperiodism and circadian clocks: models and mechanisms. Journal of Biological Rhythms 16: 381-390. PubMed.
Tauber, E. & Eberl, D.F. 2001. Song recognition in auditory mutants of Drosophila: the role of sensory feedback. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 187: 341-348. PubMed.
Tauber, E., Cohen, D., Greenfield, M.D. & Pener, M.P. 2001. Duet singing and female choice in the bushcricket Phaneroptera nana. Behaviour 138: 411-430. Link
Yerushalmi, Y., Tauber, E. & Pener, M.P. 2001. Phase polymorphism in Locusta migratoria: the relative effects of geographic strains and albinism on morphometrics. Physiological Entomology 26: 95-105 Link
Tauber, E. 2001. Bi-directional communication system in katydids: the effect on chorus structure. Behavioral Ecology. 12: 308-312. Link
Tauber, E. & Pener, M.P. 2000. Song recognition in female bushcrickets Phaneroptera nana. Journal of Experimental Biology 203: 597-603 Link
Tauber, E. & Camhi, J.M. 1995. The wind evoked escape behavior of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus: Integration of behavioral elements. Journal of Experimental Biology 198: 1895-1907. Link